Petaluma360 | Sculptor Zulu Heru: Burning to Create | 2023
“Zulu Heru has been hard at work for months. His project, a 2O foot, fire shooting Afrocentric metal mask created for Burning Man, 2023 – is nearing completion. Once done, the striking sculpture named “Farmer the Rigger,” will demonstrate to the world exactly what this up-and-coming Artist is capable of.

R.I.D.E. Artist Spotlight | Behind the Scenes with Zulu Heru | 2023
“Farmer The Rigger is a 2023 Burning Man Honorarium sculpture created by Zulu Heru. The origins and the intentions that breathe life into this creation run much deeper than what can be seen at first glance. Towering at 20 feet tall, Farmer The Rigger is an impressive Afrocentric sculpture that celebrates the power of vocation…”
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NBC Bay Area | After Sculptor Breaks Hand, Art Community Comes Together to Help Finish 20-Foot Burning Man Piece | 2023
“Just two weeks before transport was scheduled to come to the Petaluma warehouse where Zulu had been working on the sculpture, Farmer the Rigger, Zulu suffered a twist of fate. Or, more accurately, the twist of a drill.
“The drill I was using didn’t have a clutch and it spun out of control. And it took my hand with it. And basically just crunched the bones in my hand l,” Zulu said…”

Reno Gazette Journal | Burning Man Starting to Feel More Welcoming to People of Color | 2023
‘BLACK ROCK CITY, NV — Zulu Heru first came to Burning Man while he was still in the U.S. Army. As a Black man, he was astounded by how different life at Burning Man was — the art, the music, the community. Flame-throwing cars cruised past while people danced all night to international DJs. “It was my first place of completely sheer bliss and freedom,” he said. “I felt unconditional love for the first time from strangers.”’

Zulu Heru is currently the only and last sculpture major at Howard University. He spent his final fall semester building a 9-foot tall sculpture that was featured on Washington, D.C.’s National Mall in Catharsis On The Mall of Vigil Healing three-day art festival.